My approach to counselling is to incorporate a broader view, utilizing techniques I have found useful, including somatic experiencing, meditation, dreams, guided imaginary and trauma resolution. Now you may not need all of those interventions, but if you long to be unstuck, free from disappointment, anxiety, guilt, loneliness and general unhappiness, I have many tools to assist in your growth.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certification (MBTI)(2013)
Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing training (EMDR) (2014)
School Neuropsychology-Post Graduate Certification Program, KIDS, Inc. (2008)
Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor (LPC)
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Licensed Psychological Associate (LPA)
Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT)
Other Training
Anne King Hypnosis Training (2015)
Dr. Brian Weiss Professional Training for Past Life Therapy (2014 )
Desensitization of Triggers and Urges Reprocessing DETUR EMDR(2015)
Advanced Age Regression via Hypnosis-American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts (AAMH) (2015)
Feeling State Addiction Protocol EMDR (2015)
Healing Developmental Trauma (2015)
Level 1 and 2 Hypnoanalysis Training AAMH (2016)
Dr. Joe Kort: LGBTQ:Clinical Issues and Treatment Issues (2019)
Somatic Experiencing (2019)
Dream Tending (2019-2020)
Chronic Pain Protocol EMDR (2020)
Somatic Experiencing (2019)
Somatic Adult Attachment and Attachment Styles (2020)
Enneagram (2019)
Dream Tending (2020)
Society of Analyical Psychology (2023) audited 1 year program
Jungian Psychology in Clinical Practice from CG Jung institute of Los Angeles-certificate (2023)
When I am not wearing my therapist's hat, I am doing yoga, meditation, studying archetypes through astrology, tarot, and playing with my pets. I have been married for over 37 years.